Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Sunday Summary #10

Feel terrible this is late but had such a packed weekend and totally underestimated how much, or little rather, time I would have on Sunday. Had a brilliant week as I only worked four days at work, had a memorable weekend and the sun was out. 
Good food this week as my boy cooked for me Tuesday night and we got a Chinese takeaway Thursday night. My diet was so bad last week, we had McDonalds two lunches running for the Monopoly and I just ate bad generally, I find it impossible to eat healthily while busy and really want to work on it. 
My boy cooking for me. Our chicken tonight. Nero. Nero again. Me with JLS on my cheek. Sky bar. Sky lounge. The O2 arena. One of our Monopoly meals. Had to sleep in my Sky Backstage band as I was too tired to get it off. Union Jack rucksack. Sunglasses and London themed earrings. White blouse. JLS tour book. Easter nest making. 
Of the whole week Saturday was my favourite day, had lunch and shopping with my boy and then left him to head to London for JLS. We drove as most of the trains were bus replacements, got given a travelcard by people leaving so saved myself some money. I love the O2 its so impressive and I love the venue. If you ever go to the O2 Arena and can get Sky Backstage I REALLY recommend it. So much more relaxed and chilled out and they offer so many cool free services. I got JLS painted on my cheek and glittered in the Dressing Room. JLS always put on such a show, I'm still amazed at what they did. I really hope they bring it on DVD as I'd love to see it again. Nero were also amazing, nothing like a dubstep gig. I thought their stage set up was amazing, meant everyone could see them. I woke up late on Sunday then realised it wasn't that late really. Went to my auntie's for a family afternoon and the boy came over early to help me make Easter nests to take. Hardly bought anything but been such an expensive month. Being a social butterfly soon adds up. Couldn't resist the Union Jack rucksack, no idea when I'll use it but always think one would be handy. The sudden appearance of the sunshine justifies new sunglasses. I'll be blogging about Models Own's Indian Ocean this week too as I'm using it tonight.
Hope you've all had good weeks. 
Em x 

Friday, 23 March 2012

Models Own #3

The lovely Jodie tweeted me a week or so ago to tell me Models Own were releasing another Beetlejuice collection. Words could not express my excitement! I loved the set they released last year and when I saw the three new colours I just had to own them! Jodie wasn't sure when the release was and I couldn't find it online, but when I saw some tweets on Twitter a quick check of the Models Own website showed they were available to buy. Within seconds I had all three in my basket and was looking for some more colours to purchase. I ended up taking a Beetlejuice polish out of my basket, Copper Pot, as it isn't a colour that will suit me. I bought three other colours and a nail art pen.
 l-r tropical sun, thunder & lightning, white nail art pen, indian ocean, soda pink pop, peaches & cream 
Tropical Sun Beetlejuice - this is a perfect summer shade, peach with gold shimmer
Thunder & Lightning - I love glitter polishes and love using Juicy Jules over black or navy polish, but this is a finer Juicy Jules inside a black polish so saves time.
White nail art pen - I already have the black but would rather use white to do polka dots, I want all the other nail art pen colours too. 
Indian Ocean - if you only buy one colour, this is the one. Its the most incredibly pretty blue with a pink shimmer to it, I can't wait to wear this and expect it to become a favourite. 
Soda Pink Pop - the prettiest pink which is the right balance between muted and bright. Its quite unusual and I  almost think it has a coral undertone to it. 
Peaches & Cream - a orange toned peach, that just like Soda Pink Pop is not too muted and not too bright. 
 Beetlejuice: Indian Ocean & Tropical Sun 
 An intruder while I was taking photos, summer is most definitely on its way. Such a warm, sunny day today :)
A close-up of Thunder & Lightning, Indian Ocean & Tropical Sun.
I find it so hard to order online as photos often don't do justice for the item, but in this case I'm happy with all my purchases and will keep and wear all of them :)
Em x

Monday, 19 March 2012

Moment For Life

I used to really dislike Nicki Minaj's music but with Little Mix covering Superbass on The X Factor and it doing the rounds on the radio I really started to like the track. I loved the track Make Me Proud on Drake's album, but that was probably because it was Drake, and I love him. Then I purchased her Viva Glam lipstick from MAC and started to like her music. Heard Moment For Life yesterday and its been in my head ever since. 
These are my current nails. Been lacking on the nail posts lately, haven't really had much time to do them in recent weeks. I hate chipped nail polish but have had to let it go with my lack of time. I've really missed my glitter/crackle nails and looking to get some nail wraps. Really want these. Asked the boyfriend to get handy with my nail art pen too, so hoping for us to get a chance to do something. 
 Quite simple and discreet for me but so wanted to wear this shade. I'm already planning to be back to dark nails by the end of the week. Only got a four day week at work, get in! Friday night going to Norwich to see Nero :) and Saturday off to the O2 Arena for JLS. Sunday is a family gathering for my Nana's birthday so hoping I won't be tired from all the travelling and raving/singing/dancing. I never liked any boybands when I was little, I was very much a 90's girl in the midst of Girl Power/Spice world domination. I loved JLS from the moment they auditioned on The X Factor and although not my usual music taste, they make pop music so well. When I was asked last summer if I wanted to go, I couldn't help but say yes. I've seen them live before and the excitement was incredible in the venue. I've been to so many live music events and nothing has even come close to that atmosphere. Very excited for Nero, as the first signing for Chase and Status' label MTA  they have made an amazing first album. I listened to it on loop for weeks when I first got it. I haven't been gigging since last November to see DJ Fresh so to say I am excited is an understatement.
 barry m 264 pink iridescent and 318 peach melba 
Hope you've all enjoyed your Mondays. 
Love Em x 

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Sunday Summary #9

So I only said a week ago I must cut back on buying clothes, and somehow feel like I've bought even more clothes this week than a usual week, whoops. I am attempting a clothing spend ban until April...we'll see how that goes!
Nothing exciting happened this week, just the usual working hard and playing hard. I had a bite of sausage on Wednesday as my boy bought a hot dog for his lunch and it smelt quite good. I used to be a vegetarian but slowly meat came back into my life as boys influenced me to eat it. I now eat chicken and bacon, don't think I will ever like red meat and still unsure about sausage. Got my tattoo Friday, can't believe I finally got it. Got a separate blog to post about it as quite a bit I want to say and hopefully it will interest those wanting/considering getting one or even just satisfy curiosity. 
Today being Mothers Day I was a busy bee in the kitchen, eight and a half hours to be exact. Three course dinner for my Mum I'd thought up, and for the first time ever I touched raw chicken. I managed to wangle out of it during my GCSE years because I was so funny about it even fish, my teacher did it for me. I can't believe I've done it, it wasn't as bad as I expected but by the end it was making me want to gag. I had a right little system going of mixing up cake mix, then while it was baking, washing everything up and then mixing another batch up to go in when the current came out. At about five it all got a bit messy when I was trying to make my starters, clear up all the veg cuttings from my main which was in the oven and decorate all my buns and biscuits. Luckily my littlest brother saved the day and took over the decorating but the mess remained. Done enough washing up to last me weeks but it was all worth it to make my Mum's day special and I know she really appreciated all the time and effort. I bought her a slushy card and cards from the cats (its a pet owner thing!) and some Me To You gifts and a necklace. My oldest younger brother really spoilt her with a very expensive ornament that she has wanted for years this. We tend to keep such expensive gifts until her birthday but she did really deserve to be spoilt this year and I'm glad we made her day. 
 George Barbara Hulanicki peach butterfly peter pan top and Primark Bambi tee. Primark London Eye tee, coral lace top (I also have the white and navy, I have a problem, when I like a top, I end up buying it in all colours I find as you'll see further down) and Union Jack print shirts. Primark electric blue blazer. George coral blazer link. George Barbara Hulanicki heart dress link. Wooden heart, Max Factor Falsh Lash Effect mascara and Impulse spray. Primark black heart shirt. Primark red heart shirt. C2000 powder and Pink Shock lipstick and Simple eye make up remover. 

Primark and George at Asda seem to be the only places I'm finding clothes at the moment, although New Look have some nice pieces in nothing that I've felt compelled to own except the heels last week. I'm a difficult body to size and George is the only place that fits me really well and are consistent in their sizing, Primark is very hit and miss obviously. Took a random trip into Superdrug on Friday after having my tattoo as we were looking to see if Dettol had an unscented soap, and ended up buying the mascara and spray simply because they were on promotion haha. Needed some more face powder and had a double points coupon which expired today so got a lipstick I want in my collection and some more Simple as I love this remover, got some other bits but not interesting enough to post. The lipstick must be very similar to MAC's Candy Yum Yum which I never got hold of, but may return with the MAC By Request. At £2.99 this is more than £10 cheaper! Going a bit blazer crazy, the blue one is electric blue but the flash has lightened it. Absolutely in love with the Barbara Hulanicki dress, fits like a dream and makes my figure look amazing, if I do say so myself haha. Makes my waist looks teeny, can't wait to wear it. Got a wedding reception in two weeks and although I didn't need a new dress I did want one so will probably wear this. 
Going to leave you with some Mothers Day pictures...
 Hope you've all had good weeks and enjoyed Mother's Day as much as I did. 
Love Em x 

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Sunday Summary #8

Can't believe this is my eighth week doing these! Can't believe its pretty much mid March either, where is this year going?! Had a really good week with lots of socialising and laughter. Monday night work held a quiz night, and came third out of five teams, not bad, not bad at all. Laughed so much, and got so wet. It rained no end that day and I left home without an umbrella, need to have one on hand at work as I always get caught out. 

Thursday night was a retirement meal and had such a good night. Such good food and had quite a bit too drink. I had to get two buses home and by the time I got off at my stop I was so tired and feeling the alcohol could barely walk to my house. Mum was still up! I always tell her not to wait up, especially as she had work the next day. Apparently work asked why she kept yawning and she said I'd bounded in, took my heels off and talked nineteen to the dozen about my brilliant night and the best photo of the century (me and the bestie laughing, best shot ever!). Woke to a slight hangover, gutted I've started getting them nowadays. Then went into work on Friday for the retirement buffet. Afterwards did a quick run of town for my Mum's Mother's Day card and presents, tattoo consultation and found the nicest heels ever! Felt like I was dying at work on Saturday, period pains on a par with what I imagine childbirth will be like, tmi. In a desperate attempt not to go home I ended up with Red Bull, which actually worked. 

Spent today with the boy in pjs, we watched Star Wars II and the rugby. I've traded watching Star Wars with him for him watching Twilight with me. So excited Breaking Dawn is out on dvd tomorrow, never got to the cinema to see it so really want/need to catch up! 

 MAC delivery. Selfridges delivery, love the way they packaged the lipsticks! MAC stack. Result of a complaint to MAC about their customer service. Five new MAC lipsticks <3. Thursday night's heels, I've worn them several times in the last week. Peach jeans. Beautiful new shoes. Primark t shirts. George anchor jumper. Primark blouse, spots this time. Primark pink blazer. 

Five MAC lipsticks in one week takes some beating, will review at a later date as got some beauts after a nightmare. I really should stop buying clothes, soon I'll be bursting out of two wardrobes and I'll never get a third unless another room magically appears in the house. Got my first ever tattoo booked in for Friday, excited/scared. I cannot wait to finally have it done, but unsure of the unknown. I think once I get it I'll love it and have a few more as there are some designs I've found that I love. Everyone tells me they're addictive so I'll soon find out. 

Hope you've all had good weeks :)

Em x 

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