In recent months I've been surprising myself. I'm pretty wimpy at the best of times. Within 7 days of each other I witnessed three road traffic collisions involving pedestrians and cyclists. All three times I went into shock. I hate blood and needles, so you can imagine how it went last summer when I had my first ever blood test. In February I was taken to a motorbike dealer to look at bikes. Although they are impressive they look so big and powerful. My friend wanted me to sit on the back of a bike with him to get a feel for it. It took him ages to coax me on, and it was just an alien feeling. I felt so high up, so vulnerable and struggled to get back off, blame my short legs!
Along came July and he'd got a bike.
And I was expected to go on it.
The day rolled around. He was collecting me from work, and I spent the day split between excited and scared. I made him promise he wouldn't go fast! I was strapped into the helmet and got onto the back of the bike. As he took off my hands were so tight around him, I couldn't actually believe I'd been so scared to just sit on a bike a few months previous and now I was on the road!!!
By the end of my first ride I was so giddy with the adrenaline rushing around my body. I was so happy I'd just done it. After that I couldn't wait to get back on. My friend had a complaint his ribs hurt as I'd held on so tight the first time but actually I was an easy rider. It felt only natural to lean into the corners with him and I quickly relaxed about holding on. He'd always told me I'd love it.
I've been on the bike countless times now and would say, like he told me, I do love it. What a turn around for the books! You get such a rush from riding and its made me really want to gain my own bikers license to ride. I got my drivers license nearly four years ago now and found it pretty easy. On my first lesson my instructor was surprised it was my first time driving! I sailed my theory test and passed my practical first time. I had the most senior examiner at my test centre so I wasn't hopeful. After the test he started with
"I'm sorry to tell you..." I'm sitting behind the wheel, feeling deflated as I was pretty sure I'd failed. I'd been hesitant at my first big busy roundabout. I'd gone too fast over some speed bumps (he'd asked me a question so distracted me). I got stuck behind a tractor and when the lanes split I took a risk on a roundabout when I couldn't see (the tractor was in the way).
"...that you won't need to take your test again" I was so convinced I'd failed it took a few moments for it to hit me what he had actually said!
I ride with my visor right down as I hate wind! I still go to itch my nose or move my hair and shake my head every time my fingers hit the visor. I must look such an idiot if anyone sees me! And I didn't realise how observant you have to be of everything when you ride. Its a completely different ball game to driving. The risks of a driver not seeing you, pulling out, cutting you up etc are magnified greatly. We've taken a very fast bike out for a test drive too. Our top speed was 110mph, even though it was capable of much higher speeds.
Next on my list is my tattoo. I've wanted one for as long as I can remember but was never brave enough! I wasn't sure what I wanted or where. I've finally worked it all out I just need to crack on with getting them done so long as my first isn't horrendous. It was very important to me that I didn't get one that I would regret as its a lot of hassle to get removed. I will let you know how I get on!
I've been left absolutely horrified at the events in England this past week. I never, ever thought I would see any of it here. It was like a nightmare watching the live feeds. London is one of my favourite cities and it broke my heart to see it like that. I have taken for granted how safe I feel living here and I didn't realise that until I felt scared. There are people that live every single day in fear.
Life will go the way it's meant to and I believe fate will always lead me the right way. I always get told I'm such a positive and happy person but I don't see the point in being any other way. My favourite thing is to smile at someone. It is so rare for someone not to smile back :) I found some images on weheartit and wanted to share.
You only get one life, so live it x

And my favourite place: the beach :)